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Low Food Miles: The City Restaurants Embracing the Natural Bounty of the Baltics

The natural bounty from the cold-water seas, rivers and forests has fed the people of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia for centuries. Realising the best way to keep food miles low is to embrace the cooking techniques and traditional ingredients of their ancestors, innovative farm-to-table restaurants have cropped up in Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn, creating a sustainable food scene akin to Scandinavia’s New Nordic movement.

Baltics Outdoor Adventure

It has to be said that the Baltic states aren’t the place to head if you’re looking for cuisine largely sourced from imported ingredients, high-end shopping with products manufactured in distant sweatshops, and stays in hotels owned by huge chains. However, if you’re wanting a holiday full of outdoor adventure where sustainability is very much the focus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are ideal.
